Ahavas Achim Youth presents Party Pets Animal Show in the Downstairs Social Hall on Purim Night, March 13, during Megillah Reading from 7:40-8:40 p.m. All ages are welcome! This event is sponsored by Jason & Leah Felder and Eli & Laura Weiss.
Purim Carnival
Ahavas Achim will hold its annual Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 16 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Parking Lot. Join us for carnival games, balloon artist, face painting, moon bounce, popcorn, cotton candy, prizes and more! Suggested donation $5/child. This event is sponsored in memory of Joel Cohen z”l.
Leaning into the Seder
Join Rabbi Whittenburg on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. on Zoom (link to follow) for this new series as he delves into the reasoning behind the customs observed during the Pesach Seder.
Part 1, March 25: Kadeish, Karpas, Yachatz
Part 2, April 1: Magid, Matzah, Maror
Mazel Tov Announcements
AA Rentals
Planning a party or affair? Check out our revised rates!
Israel Advocacy
For information on political contacts, news organizations and israel advocacy information, see here.
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