Congregation Ahavas Achim
216 South 1st Avenue 
Highland Park, N.J. 08904
(732) 247-0532


Ahavas Achim

Special Announcements

Teshuvah of the Month Club

You are invited to an in-depth journey through significant Teshuvot on Mondays at 8:30 p.m. July's Teshuvah: Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach on Modern-day Refrigerators and Shabbat.

This advanced class will be organized as follows:

July 29: Shiur #3: Rabbi Miodownik presents related Teshuvot that are rooted in the same principles

Mishnah Yomit Siyum

The Mishnah Yomit Zoom group will be celebrating the completion of Seder Nashim on Wednesday, August 7-3 Av with an in-person siyum. If you would like to join to celebrate the half-way point in our Mishnah Yomit journey (whether or not you learn with us each night), please contact Chaye Kohl via text at 917-439-5039 or via email at
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