Congregation Ahavas Achim
216 South 1st Avenue 
Highland Park, N.J. 08904
(732) 247-0532


Ahavas Achim COVID-19 Protocols

  1. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, chills, cough, or shortness of breath, you may not come to Ahavas Achim (“AA”), as long as the symptoms persist, whether vaccinated or not. When in doubt about symptoms, for the purpose of this policy assume that they are COVID-19. For similar symptoms that are unrelated to COVID-19, you may obtain a doctor’s clearance to come to AA. For a more complete list of COVID-19 symptoms, please refer to
  1. If you are notified that you tested positive for COVID-19, whether vaccinated or not, you may not come to AA. You may return to AA after 10 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared or have tested positive provided that you are fever free with other COVID-19 symptoms improving. You may return to AA after 7 days have passed with a negative PCR test on or after day 5.
  1. If you are unvaccinated and have been in close contact with anyone who tested positive or is suspected of having COVID-19, even if asymptomatic, you may not come to AA for 10 days after your last exposure. You may return to AA after 7 days have passed after your last exposure with a negative PCR test on or after day 5.
  1. While indoors, unvaccinated individuals, including children, must wear masks that cover the mouth and nose at all times. They must also maintain a minimum of 3 feet social distancing from other individuals outside their family unit. Children under two are exempt from the mask requirement. While outdoors, unvaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks as long as they can maintain a minimum of 3 feet social distancing from other individuals outside their family unit.
  1. AA is providing for separate “mask-required” and “vaccinated mask-optional” areas at all Minyanim. Vaccinated individuals, as defined below, may use the “vaccinated mask-optional” area. The “vaccinated mask-optional” area does not require social distancing but leaving one seat free between family units is desirable when possible. Vaccinated individuals are requested to try and maintain social distancing when approaching unvaccinated individuals.
  1. Definitions: Close contact with an individual who tested positive or suspected of having COVID-19 is defined by these conditions: being within six feet of the individual for more than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period, with the contact occurring between two days prior to onset of symptoms or testing positive and 10 days following the patient’s onset of symptoms or testing positive provided that the individual is fever free with other COVID-19 symptoms improving. A vaccinated person refers to a person that is more than two weeks post their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. An individual within 90 days of a positive COVID-19 test may follow the rules of someone that is vaccinated.
  1. Anyone that attends any AA Minyanim or events, agrees to inform the Rabbi or President immediately if they test positive for COVID-19. Should this happen, in accordance with the State’s contact tracing guidelines, this information but not your identity will be shared with the other people who attended the same Minyan or event. By attending AA Minyanim or events, you are attesting that you are following our COVID-19 policy.  The Gabbaim and Shul Officers will be enforcing our policy. If anyone violates any of its provisions, they will be required to leave.

We reserve the right to update the Ahavas Achim COVID-19 policy as the pandemic changes. If you have any questions about this policy, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Ahavas Achim

Special Announcements

Shabbat Eretz Yisrael

Ahavas Achim University and World Mizrachi welcome Scholars-in Residence Rabbi Assaf and Leora Bednarsh this Shabbat, May 11. Join us for a special Shabbat Eretz Yisrael celebrating the 76th anniversary of Israel's independence.


9:20 a.m. Early Minyan D'var Torah (Beit Midrash): Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh

9:45 a.m. Shiur (Downstairs Social Hall) - Leora Bednarsh: Counting Your Blessings: Land, State and People of Israel in Birkat Hamazon

11:00 a.m. Drasha After Mussaf (Main Sanctuary) - Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh: Keeping Up Our Emunah in Difficult Times

12:15 p.m. Gala Shabbat Eretz Yisrael Luncheon featuring community, Zemirot, and Divrei Torah from Leora Bednarsh (by prior reservation only)

5:00 p.m. Women's Shiur by Leora Bednarsh at the Miodownik home, 248 Lawrence Ave.: The Purifying Power of Mikvah

6:30 p.m. Shiur by Leora Bednarsh: My Heart is in the East: Connecting to Israel Through Prayer

Shiur by Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh: Halachic Q&A from the Battlefield

7:50 p.m. Seudah Shlishit and panel discussion with Rabbi and Mrs. Bednarsh: Personal and Family Perspectives on Life in Israel Since Oct. 7

Shabbat Parshat Emor (May 18) Guest Speakers

On Shabbat Parshat Emor, May 18, Ahavas Achim will host two special guest presenters on Shabbat afternoon. All are encouraged to attend and learn from the life experiences of our distinguished guests:

6:45-7:40 p.m. Lecture and Q&A with Rabbi David Fine: The Changing Notion of the Concept of Community in the State of Israel

7:40-8:00 p.m. Mincha

8:00-9:00 p.m. Seudah Shlishit Lecture and Q&A with Rabbi Michael Levy

Prospective Family Shabbaton

Congregation Ahavas Achim is excited to announce its upcoming Prospective Family Shabbaton taking place next weekend, May 17-19. The Prospective Family Shabbaton is a great opportunity for families looking to settle in Highland Park to receive an inside view of what our community is like and what makes it so special!

Here is the schedule for Shabbat Day:

9:00 a.m. Davening with the rest of the community in the Main Sanctuary led by some of our all stars.

10:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat

Following Davening, Kiddush with the whole community sponsored by the Ahavas Achim Prospective Family Shabbaton Committee

Following Kiddush, join us for a Young Community Luncheon (by prior reservation only)

For more information on the Young Community Luncheon please email Rob Haarburger at

The Simcha Kiddush is Back!

We will be celebrating as a community on Shabbat June 1. Acknowledge any important milestones, accomplishments, honors, graduations, anniversaries or births at this very special AA event. This special kiddush is also in Hakarat Hatov for our Youth Group Leaders who work hard all year to take care of our youth.


Nachat: $75

Kvell: $50

Simcha: $25

Last year we were able to have a beautiful hot meat kiddush. With your enthusiastic participation, we can do so again this year! Share unlimited number of smachot that will be displayed at the kiddush. Deadline to submit is Monday, May 20. To sponsor the kiddush, use this link: Type in your names, sponsorship level and Simcha(s). For more information, please contact Keren at or Emily at All proceeds from this kiddush support our youth programming.

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